Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, there has been an incredible increase in the use of video communication apps, especially Zoom. People have adjusted to the ‘new normal’ and found ways to work remotely, thereby giving reports using the app.
It’s a complete change from physical meetings where everything you do is open to the public. Zoom meetings give you the liberty to do ‘anyhow.’ And yes, people do act the way they like.
Despite great technology and smart team members, online, virtual or video meetings can easily become a comedy, thanks to ‘people who are always people.’
Nevertheless, let’s run you through different characters you’re likely to meet on a Nigerian Zoom Call:
1. The Late-comers: If it were to be a physical gathering, we could blame the traffic for coming late. But now that it’s an online meeting, how can traffic disturb you? Anyway, a lot of people are on this table. 😁
2. The ones with a bad network: ‘Hello, can anyone hear me?’ ‘No, it’s breaking.’ ‘Sorry, we can hardly hear you.’ ‘Hello? Hello? Hello?’ These are the common statements you hear from them. At a time, you’ll just hear, ‘Maybe I should just type jare.’ 😁
3. The ones who won’t turn off the mic: You see this category, once they join the meeting, it is either they forget to turn off their mic or turn it on deliberately. So while important things are going on, several sounds from their background disturb the meeting.
4. Those who forget they are sharing their screen: They will switch to Web WhatsApp or any other part of their screen, forgetting that the whole office is witnessing what’s going on with them. SMH 😏
5. The back and forth Pendulum: They leave the meeting and return every five seconds, only to finally leave and never return. That’s when you see things like — Olufemi joined the meeting. Olufemi left the meeting. Olufemi joined the meeting. Olufemi left the meeting. Olufemi, can you just stay one place for God’s sake! 🤦♂️
6. The ones who don’t pay attention: For these people, once they contribute or give their report, they just off the mic to do other things, without paying attention to what’s going on again. You’ll know they’ve not been listening when you ask them a question and their reply will be: “Sorry, the network was bad here, could you say that again?”
7. Those who do their conversation in the chatbox: Even while a meeting is going on, they are usually holding their anterior meeting in the chat section.
So there you have it! Are you the latecomer or the one always with a bad network? Let us know! Feel free to tag someone you know that belongs to any of the 7 categories. You can tweet us @maxdotng.