Even if you have a vehicle of your own, there is the likelihood you would have one time or the other resorted to using a commercial motor vehicle to get to your destination. You’d relate if your car suddenly broke down without giving any sign before-hand.
In some cases, there is always a debate on who is at fault when accidents occur. The transport industry and road safety commissions have always sensitized drivers in making safety a priority.
With the prevalence of car accidents and the dangers on the highways, road safety is something everyone should understand and practice, and it has become very important for passengers to be aware of their roles in averting the risks associated with motor vehicle transportation. Here are a few safety tips you should know as a passenger:
* Always use the seat belt: Wearing a seatbelt will keep passengers secured when travelling in a car and prevent them from flying out through the windscreen during a crash.
* Don’t distract the driver: As a passenger, refrain from distracting your driver by calling his attention to happenings on the road. This can be dangerous. A driver needs to give his full attention to the road.
* Help the driver navigate: Safe passengers know how to take on the role of co-pilot for the driver. If you’re in the front passenger’s seat, offer to pull up the directions and help the driver navigate where you need to go.
* Remind the driver not to use the phone while driving: Driving while using the phone is one of the most dangerous things a driver can do. If you’re in the car with a driver who is pressing the phone, gently remind them of the dangers associated with such. You can also step in and carry out the phone activity if the driver is worried about missing anything.
* Keep conversations calm: Drivers that are in a positive, relaxed mental state are going to drive more safely. Never get the driver worked up with a hot or argumentative discussion.
* Offer to work on the dashboard controls: Drivers like to be the sole operators of their vehicles, but while in transit it is safer for them to keep their hands on the wheel. In addition to navigating, the passenger can also offer to work on the dashboard controls for the radio, air conditioning, etc, so the driver can stay focused on driving.
* Don’t be an aggressive passenger: It could be irritating to be driving when a passenger starts voicing rules like a driving instructor. Remember that your driver needs to stay focused and pointing out mistakes and incessant complaints could add more pressure and distractions.